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Governance and oversight

Governance is necessarily all about bureaucracy and the paperwork. In this lesson, Brian MacNeice, an expert on driving improvements in performance focus and culture in high performing organisations identifies three types of governance; strategic, regulatory and accommodating governance.

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What do you do? – Crafting a great answer…

You’re in the elevator between the 7th and 9th floor and someone asks you ‘What do you do?’

In this lesson, Media and Presentation coach Michael Dodd explains why you need to have an engaging response that you can deliver in under a minute.

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How do you network successfully?

People’s worst fear said to public speaking followed up by ‘walking into a room full of strangers’. So how does one make a success of networking? Warren Cass explains that the answer lies in the questions you ask…

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Is brand important in the B2B world

Many B2B businesses believe that, with the exception of big corporations, a company brand is not so important. In this lesson; Simon Hall, author of Innovative B2B Marketing, completely disagrees and explains why.

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Being in the right place at the right time

Does everyone think that marketing is all about showing up at the right time, in the right places and getting your business noticed? In this lesson, Bryony Thomas, a consultant and trainer in marketing transformation programmes, explains that selling is not that simple and you really have to make sure that you have a compelling proposition.

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How can I let go of stress?

Is there a technique which enables you to let go of stress? In this lesson, David Hyner explains the Sedona Method, as used by special forces if injured in the field.

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Starting a movement

As a marketer, there will be changes you want to see but you face challenges inspiring your colleagues. In this lesson, Thomas Barta, explains how marketing leaders inspire those changes through ‘starting a movement’…

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What are the keys to raising finance?

Raising finance depends on the type of business, how fast you need to go and whether or not you can grow itself. In this lesson, Guy Rigby explains the various forms of raising finance from family to venture capital – their benefits and shortcomings.