How does online brand equity affect the way society is going?

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Today, anyone can see the tweets you choose and the people you start to follow in your twitter feed, all of which either builds or takes away from your brand equity. In this lesson, Grant asks David Taylor for his thoughts on the implication of that for the way society’s going.

Video length: 3:42

The Business of Being Social

A Practical Guide to Harnessing the power of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & YouTube for all businesses

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About David Taylor

David Taylor has over 20 years experience of the UK media scene garnered from a career in journalism, in-house media relations, public relations, marketing communications and social media consultancy. Unusually he has worked within both public and private sectors, in-house and agency, proactively and reactively as well as in crisis communications. Here he discusses aspects of his book, ‘The Business of Being Social’, which he co-authored with Michelle Carvill.

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