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Personal Motivation

Losing a deal can be soul breaking. In this lesson, Tony Morris discusses ways in which salespeople can continue to believe in themselves.

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The ‘too expensive’ objection

When a salesperson is told ‘it’s too expensive’, is that the real objection or is there something else going on? In this lesson, Grant Leboff and author & sales trainer Tony Morris, dig deeper.

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Sales team motivation

When managing a sales team, what motivates one sales person, may not suit another. Here Grant Leboff asks sales trainer Tony Morris how he keeps a sales team motivated.

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Click.ology and the acronym CLICK

Internet psychologist, Graham Jones’ book ‘Click.ology’ starts with an acronym of CLICK. In this, the final lesson in this series, Grant Leboff asks Graham to spell out what the acronym stands for.

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How do you future proof an on-line store?

Knowing what will come next in technology or the web is an impossible task. In this lesson, Grant Leboff asks Internet psychologist Graham Jones, how a successful e-commerce site can stay ahead of the game.

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Exposing Sales Myths #6 – Sell the sizzle not the sausage

In a world where so many products are commoditised and it is difficult to tell competing products apart, surely it’s the sizzle in the presentation that makes the difference? In this lesson, Sales and Marketing educator, Mark Blackmore, explains his view that this isn’t always the case.

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Exposing Sales Myths #5 – It’s a numbers game

Many people insist that sales is a numbers game. To be successful, all you need to do is just keep bashing away, making the meetings, knocking on the doors… but Sales and Marketing educator, Mark Blackmore, disagrees. In this lesson, Grant Leboff asks him to explain his thinking.