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Do people buy only on benefits or to avoid loss?

The common presumption of sales people is that they sell the benefits and the reasons and the value that their product or service has to offer. But in this lesson, Nicola Cook, explains that many customers buy, not to gain the benefits, but to avoid the loss.

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Listening techniques

Are you a good listener? In this lesson, Tony Morris discusses how sales people can overcome, what is often, their worst weakness.

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Standing out from the crowd

When there is more than one of you offering similar services in a networking group, how do you stand out from the crowd? In this lesson, Sales Trainer, Tony Morris, offers some food for thought.

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Establishing Credibility

Sometimes, potential customers are scared to use you because they don’t know who you are. In this lesson, Sales Trainer Tony Morris, suggests ways to alleviate such fears.

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Is sales a numbers game?

Is selling purely a number’s game? Yes and no, says sales trainer Tony Morris. In this lesson, Tony explains that there is a lot more to selling than just picking up the phone…