How do you stay focused on your goals?

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About this video

A person may have multiple ambitions relating to business, family, health etc. In this lesson, Brian Mayne, international trainer and author of ‘Goal Mapping’, discusses with Grant Leboff how people can keep focused on their goals.

Video length: 4:24

Find out more

Read: Goal Mapping: How to Turn Your Dreams into Realities
Read: Self Mapping: How to Awaken to Your True Self

Goal Mapping

How to Turn Your Dreams into Realities

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Self Mapping

How to Awaken to Your True Self

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About Brian Mayne

Brian Mayne first discovered personal development tools in 1993 and started using them to turn his life around. He overcame his dyslexia, learnt to read well and paid off his debts. He re-educated himself, and founded a new business. The key within all of this was how to understand the nature of goals.

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