In this lesson Experiential Marketing expert, Shirra Smilansky, explains that brand ambassadors are unbelievably crucial in experiential marketing, in live brand experiences and in business as a whole – but who are they?
Measuring customer experience
Organisations today talk a lot about delivering great customer experiences. In this lesson, business consultant and author Shaun Smith, explains how to go about it.
How do you achieve the right mindset in business?
Are your staff just doing their job or are they reaching for the sky? In this, the last lesson of this series, Professor Damian Hughes, in discussion with Grant Leboff, describes how Sir Alex Ferguson instilled the will in the Manchester United team to exceed all expectations.
How to make your company stand out from its competitors, and where to start
If you are going to create a dramatically different business, where do you start? In this lesson, Andy Hanselman explains that in many cases the answer is found in what other people think…
Exposing Sales Myths #8 – Fail to plan, plan to fail
Surely all sales people have to plan their calls ahead, but how much planning is too much? In this lesson, Sales and Marketing educator, Mark Blackmore, discusses with Grant Leboff where to find a balance between too much research and actually selling.
Becoming the expert
What makes an expert? How does one become an expert and why can’t you be one too? In this lesson, Phil M Jones explains how people can achieve that goal.
How does my online ‘content’ integrate with being social?
Coca Cola can be very social because it’s a fun brand, that people will engage with and talk about, but if you’re making ball bearings, that’s not quite the same thing…
Keeping messaging simple
You’ve got a lot to get across in your presentation, so what stays and what goes? In this lesson, presentation expert Simon Morton, explains how to cut out the clutter.
What role can Mastermind groups play in helping people achieve the results they want?
In this lesson, David Hyner explains the origins of the Mastermind group and its pivotal role in the industrial revolution.
Asking for forgiveness
As a marketing leader, you’ve got to have a group of people on your team who you trust enough to do their own thing without asking you for permission. In this lesson, Thomas Barta, a C-suite marketing consultant to many Fortune 500 CEOs, explains why it’s better to screw up and say I’m sorry.