If you want your product or service to succeed, you have to make sure that you understand what matters and to what degree. In this lesson, advertising legend, Drayton Bird, explains that before you can be creative, you need to plan like it’s a military strategy.
How do I assess my competition?
One of the challenges that a lot of businesses have is aligning what they provide, with the perceptions that their customers actually have. In this lesson, Susannah Schofield, discusses the importance in having the two aligned.
How do you deliver a consistent customer experience
One of the things businesses struggle with is delivering a consistent customer experience. In this lesson, business consultant and author Shaun Smith, explains how, having a clear a purpose, helps a business with its communication challenges.
The ability to see change
The average tenure of a football league manager is 16 months before they are dismissed, but Sir Alex Ferguson become the longest serving football manager in history. In this lesson, Grant Leboff discusses with Professor Damian Hughes, how Sir Alex Ferguson instilled cup winning objectives into his team members, how he planned for the future, and how that relates to successful businesses today.
Getting that vision thing
Martin Luther King didn’t stand on Capitol Hill and say; I’ve got a strategic plan and a cash flow forecast – he told everyone that he ‘had a dream’. In this lesson, Grant Leboff discusses with Andy Hanselman, author of ‘Think In 3D’ how businesses need to visualise where they want to be and how they want to be seen by their customers.
How do I extol my ‘vision and value’ throughout my company?
Grant Leboff, in conversation with Lara Morgan, entrepreneur and author of ‘More Balls Than Most’ on how to extol your visions and values throughout your company.
Drayton Bird on the importance of market positioning and how to get it wrong
The most important question in marketing and often the most ignored, is; why should somebody choose you? In this lesson, advertising legend, Drayton Bird, describes the hard way to get the right answer…
Why is purpose so important for an organisation?
It’s not good enough having a successful business if you fail to understand exactly what it is that you are doing right. In this lesson, business consultant and author Shaun Smith, explains the importance of being purposeful and meaningful with your customers.
The importance of attitude
How did Sir Alex Ferguson spot the potential in players like Beckham, Scholes, Neville, and Giggs? In this programme, Grant Leboff discusses with Professor Damian Hughes, how Alex Ferguson nurtured and pinpointed players with the right attitude and how that discipline transfers to a business environment.
Values and Value Added
Customers are becoming more conscious about what they buy and why they buy. In this lesson, customer service and experience strategist, Adrian Swinscoe, discusses changes in the way people are looking to align themselves with things that make sense for them.