The customer is the channel

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Grant explains that in order to have really effective marketing and communications today, one has to understand the consequences of the digital and technological revolution…

In order to have really effective marketing and communications today, one has to understand the consequences of the digital and technological revolution.

There are three concepts that you really must comprehend in order to make sure that everything is truly effective.

Number one, we live in a world today where everyone has a channel. Years ago it was only TV stations, radio stations, publishing companies, record companies that had the means of distribution of information. But that is simply no longer the case. Businesses such as yourselves have websites, YouTube channels, LinkedIn pages where they’re putting out information. Similarly, individuals using platforms such as Facebook and Twitter also have their own channels. And, therefore, everybody is putting out information.

But that has serious consequences because the second thing is it makes information absolutely abundant. It is no longer just broadcasters putting things out but every single person on the planet. Everything in life has a cause and effect, and in a world of abundance of information we now live in a universe with scarcity of attention. It is harder to cut through the noise today than it has ever been.

And that brings us to rule number three. Rule number three is simply this. The customer is the channel. In other words, your customers and prospects are the best communication channel you have and, therefore, when you’re communicating with them it isn’t just broadcasting to them but inspiring them to share your content. Social sharing is the currency of digital because it is the way that we learn through these networks.

There may be small changes to the spoken word in this transcript in order to facilitate the readability of the written English

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  1. Great perspective Grant, love that. I spend a lot of time with my clients talking about making it EASY for their own customers to refer them without hesitation as it’s the easiest way to find new business.

    1. Author

      Thanks Tim, I am glad the vlog resonated with you. In a world where everyone owns a media channel, social sharing has become a key factor in information distribution.

  2. Grant, I second Tim’s perspective. The ‘light bulb’ moment for me is the idea of putting the customer’s customers at the centre of my communication plan. So simple, so obvious but so overlooked.

  3. Author

    Thanks Richard. I am really pleased that the video resonated with you. Thinking about your customers’ customer enables your communications to be so much more effective.

  4. Another nugget of wisdom Grant… keep up the good work

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