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The 4 Buyer’s Fears

When was the last time you made a major purchase without any concerns? In this Vlog, Grant Leboff explains that as buyers, we all have fears when we make a major purchase, and the more you can mitigate those fears, the easier it will be to make a sale

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Do you understand your customer’s ecosystem?

You may be very experienced and smooth in delivering your sales presentation, but there is every chance that your customers may have other, related, personal or business considerations on their minds apart from just listening to you.

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Are you going to the right parties?

We all make platitudes about – business being about reputation, it’s about who knows you and who you know – and yet how many people strategically ensure they are known by the right people?

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No Thanks Just Looking

Why is it that when you walk into a shop, and the sales assistant asks ‘can I help you’, the first thing you say is, ‘No thanks. I’m just looking’. In this Vlog, Grant Leboff explains why you respond in that way and how that lesson can help you when selling in business.

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The Lie About Open And Closed Questions

People don’t play the game anymore. Why do customers only give one word answers – when politicians, who are asked for a yes or no answer, can drone on for what seems like hours? In this VLOG, Grant Leboff explains why and how to overcome your dilemma