Some marketers will tell you it is business as normal, that digital channels such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube just represent new opportunities to communicate. They simply add to the more traditional vehicles such as direct mail and telemarketing. The fundamental principles of marketing, however, have not changed. These marketers are wrong.
Effective Marketing – It’s Time To Get Closer To The ‘Creepy Line’
“The Google policy about a lot of these things is to get right up to the creepy line but not cross it” declared Eric Schmidt when he was Chairman and CEO of Google. This statement was made during an interview with The Atlantic editor, James Bennett, for The Washington Ideas Forum in October 2010.
What Are You Doing To Encourage Advocacy?
As early as 1967, Professor Johan Arndt from the Colombia Graduate School Of Business identified ‘word of mouth’ as “one of the most important, if not the most important source of information for the consumer.” As time marches on, ‘word of mouth’ only becomes more influential.
Embrace The ‘Experience Economy’ Or You Won’t Be Able To Compete
During the 1950’s, as the western industrialised world became richer, and products became more commoditised, we became a ‘service economy’. That is, more people were employed in the delivery of services than the making of products.
Do You Want Competitive Advantage? – Think Data
The nature of ‘digital’ is that every action, decision, comment, gesture and click leaves a data trail. An increasing amount of conversations are now taking place on social platforms. Smart phones are becoming our main communication tool and information hub, with built in cameras and videos capturing many aspects of life. Meanwhile the web is our main research tool. The data that exists, because of all this activity, is simply astounding. Today, every individual is leaving a data trail much of which is publicly available for any business to access.
Sticky Marketing Seminar At Kay Johnson Gee
With an ever increasing number of businesses blogging, using social media and producing content, it is the companies which stay ahead that will be successful in such a highly competitive environment.
Why You Are A Marketer Whether You Like It Or Not
We are in the midst of a revolution not seen before in any of our lifetimes. Communication is no longer one way, that is, from the few to the masses. Today, whether you choose to utilise YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Blogger, Twitter, Google +, Instagram, Pinterest or any of the plethora of platforms available, everyone now has the opportunity to communicate beyond anything imaginable a few years ago. Moreover, mobile technology means we can use these platforms from almost anywhere in the world at anytime.
Dumb Marketing Question #1 – Does Social Media Work?
As ‘Social Media’ has become too big to ignore, most companies are dabbling with it in some way. Of course, there are businesses that take Social Media extremely seriously.
Forget Social Media, Think Social Business
The World Wide Web is the biggest revolution in communication since the invention of the printing press. The printing press started the democratisation of information. Knowledge was no longer concentrated in the hands of the very few, but could spread far and wide. Without print, the reformation and renaissance in Europe couldn’t have taken place. In other words, print changed the world.
Where Do Your Customers Learn?
When Gutenberg invented the printing press in 1450 he precipitated the democratisation of information. Neither the reformation nor renaissance, in Europe, could have happened if the printing press had not been invented.