I meet company directors all the time who tell me they don’t understand social media. They don’t currently use Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter etc., and wouldn’t know where to start. I always want to use my father’s quote, “have you seen all the idiots on Facebook?”
In Sales & Marketing We Must Ban The Word ‘Need’
We live in a world where consumers have been empowered. Buyers, in most of the purchases they make, have an abundance of choice and a plethora of information. Consumers are no longer restricted. In the main, when buying, people are not reactive to simply responding to the telemarketing call or direct mail they receive. Rather, the customer journey starts with them utilising networks on and offline and using search engines.
How Effective Is Your Content Marketing?
Content Marketing is now becoming conventional wisdom amongst the marketing fraternity. Of course you have to use content marketing to ensure your communications are effective these days; right? Well almost…….
Are You Missing Out By Not Utilising Strategic Partnerships?
It becomes increasingly difficult to obtain attention from prospects and customers alike. Today, we are all swamped with an array of online TV and video channels, digital radio, blogs, 24/7 news, apps, emails, text messages, phone calls and a plethora of social media interactions etc.
Why ‘Cognitive Economy’ Matters To Your Business
Many organisations primarily focus on ‘what’ they do and provide for their customers. The best companies will often strive to continually improve the products and services they deliver. Yet, the simple truth is that, in today’s digital web enabled world, there is very little that a company can introduce that won’t be copied immediately by competitors, if it is deemed to be an intelligent development in attracting or retaining customers.
Be Aware – The Internet Is Under Threat!
the vibrancy that the internet delivers is now under threat. Until now, the owners of the pipes through which the information travels, when we use the internet, have not been allowed to discriminate between the information that they deliver. So, companies such as Verizon, Comcast and AT&T in the USA or BT, Virgin Media and Sky in the UK, have to give equal priority to a big business, media company or individual blogger.
Marketing Lessons From The ‘Three Crowns’ Pub
It was while enjoying a series of single malt whiskies, in the Three Crowns Pub, that I was reminded of a marketing lesson which too many businesses are missing in this new web enabled, digital world…
For What Purpose Are You Using Social Media?
Businesses’ use of social media reminds me a little of the beginnings of the mobile phone. While embraced as exciting by a few people, at the beginning, many found the idea of a mobile phone abhorrent. “Why would I want people to be able to contact me everywhere I go?” was a usual retort I often heard. Of course, over time usage grew and now most people would find it hard to live without their mobile phone.
A Lesson For Business – In Healthcare, Prevention Is Better Than Cure
As wearable technology starts to become mainstream, and as sensors start to make all sorts of gadgets ever more ‘intelligent’, the opportunities in healthcare are enormous.
Marketing Today – Its About People, NOT Products Or Services
Today, we live in a world where products are ubiquitous. With the speed of communication, and transparency of the web, even the most innovative businesses have a very small window of opportunity to have a true USP. For example, Samsung introduced the world to its Galaxy Tab tablet device a mere five months after the iPad was first released.