Lock Up Your Data

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For years, companies have surreptitiously taken our data and used it to market to us, or sold it to others, so they could promote to us. GDPR changes all that.

In this Vlog, Grant explains how GDPR changes the data collection model for your business.

When Mark Zuckerberg was being grilled by Congress, Senator Dick Durbin asked him what hotel he stayed in the night before. Mark Zuckerberg looked rather sheepish and said he’d rather not say.

But that’s the point – most of us would rather not say.

For years, companies have surreptitiously taken our data and used it to market to us, or sold it to others, so they could promote to us. With the amount of data we now leave all over the digital environment, if you take this to its logical conclusion, it would mean the end of privacy. And that’s not tolerable.

GDPR was just a signpost for where we’re going. We’re looking at a future where consumers will have control over their data. All of their details will be in a digital vault and they will be able to choose what they share with which companies.

So this is going to change marketing. Customers will be more anonymous and, therefore, branding will play more of a part in ensuring that your in someone’s buying set.

Once customers reveal themselves to you, marketers’ jobs will be to get data so they can make themselves more relevant and give better experiences to retain their customers.

For example, British Airways may ask you for your favourite drink, but if that means they’ll serve it to you when you first get on the aircraft, you may very well be willing to tell them.

Amazon may ask for your home address and bank details, but if it’s so they can deliver a product to you, you may very well be willing to share it.

As consumers, it will be a better world for us all when we have control over our own data. And businesses will be OK, but they will have to deliver real value in order to make sure they can compete.

And maybe Senator Dick Durbin can learn something. If he’d offer to give Mark Zuckerberg a lift, he may well have shared his hotel address.

There may be small changes to the spoken word in this transcript in order to facilitate the readability of the written English

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