Dave Harries: Grant, we’re discussing the 5 Fs in the context of content and we come to the last one on my list, which is “Fame.” Tell me about that.
Grant Leboff: Fame is just giving people their chance in the spotlight. It can be anything from a competition, you know … It could be a holiday snaps competition, “The Best Holidays Snap”, we put up on our website and we show everybody else; or whatever else, “The Most Beautiful Baby Competition … ” All of these different types of things. Anything that gives someone a moment in the spotlight. That’s normally associated with the consumer brands, which it is, but don’t lose sight: It works in business-to-business as well. I’ll give you an example: An awards in business, so, “The Best Employer” in a local area, you know, in line with the Chamber of Commerce and something else.
If you’re a recruitment agent that’s quite a sensible thing to do. It’s congruent with what you stand for maybe, and who you are, and everything else, but people still want the world to know this awards as well. There’s a PR value, there’s a commercial value in it, and people like that, so … Anything that gives a chance of someone have a time in the spotlight can often be very attractive and I think it’s normally associated with business consumer, but there is a business-to-business element as well.
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